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Your search for Roger Henriksson, MD, Warren Mason, MD, FRCPC, Olivier Chinot, MD, and Wolfgang Wick, MD, on behalf of the AVAglio Steering Committee,Roger Henriksson, MD, Warren Mason, MD, FRCPC, Olivier Chinot, MD, and Wolfgang Wick, MD, on behalf of the AVAglio Steering Committee matches 1 pages

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cns cancers

Bevacizumab in Glioblastoma: Another Perspective 

Given the results of the AVAglio trial, we feel that a more balanced discussion about the role of bevacizumab (Avastin) in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma is in order. The accompanying article in The ASCO Post suggests that bevacizumab has no benefit in newly diagnosed glioblastoma; data ...


